by Nicole | Oct 10, 2016 | Life, Past Blog, Personal, Professional
Oh em gee. It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Summer has come and gone – it’s hard to believe it’s nearly Halloween! I’ve been quite busy over the last six months… here are the highlights:
The Geeky Press is becoming quite a thing. We’re doing things. That’s kind of our thing. Ha – but seriously, this is something we (the Partners) always say. It’s really growing and we have a lot of great stuff cooking!
- We’re building a solid community, between our monthly #WritersHack Meetups and our one-day retreats. We have our annual weekend retreat at Bradford Woods coming up (still one spot open, so hey Indianapolis area writers, if you’re interested, drop me a line!), plus monthly events. Check us out on Meetup or visit our website for more!
- We published our first book, Bad Jobs and Bullshit, this past September. BUY IT. It’s awesome.
- We’re planning our next book, which will become a series titled Dear America. We will be putting out a call for submissions at the end of October, so stay tuned for that project!
- Another project is currently in the works, so to find out what that is, you’ll have to stay tuned… but if you’re an Indiana writer (or a writer from Indiana), I can give you a hint: you’ll get to submit your work. That’s all I can say for now!
Let’s see… what else has been going on in my world? Oh yeah – I became an Assistant Producer of a couple of new podcasts while The Bevs have been on hiatus! I act as the lady behind the scenes of each of these podcasts, handling social media and web content. Both are hosted by Molly McAleer of Plz Advise and co-founder of HelloGiggles.
Now, for some other quick highlights:
- We’re planning our wedding, whooo! We’re eloping and not having an actual wedding or reception, and I cannot tell you how thrilled we are about that. Low stress and exactly what we want. That’s how it’s supposed to be, right?
- I finally visited NYC. It was a blast – I joined my love for a few days in the City and we did all the great touristy things. My faves: we visited Top of the Rock at sunset, traveled to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, and took a cruise around Manhattan with some friends who joined us from home.
- Said “see ya later” to my favorite band, who (much to my dismay) is taking a year off from the road. Dave Matthews Band, you gave me some killer shows this year – from Blossom to Alpine to Deer Creek, many memories were made and I will miss you so much in 2017! (Plus side, I can plan my wedding without worrying about missing a show. Ha. I’m only sort of kidding. lol)
- I learned how to ride a motorcycle! I can’t believe it. I was once terrified to ride with my love on his, but he *gently* urged me to take a course. Last weekend, I took a ladies only course though Harley Davidson and learned how to ride the right, safe way. Not gonna lie – I want a Harley of my own now. Maybe one day – I should probably get a house first.
- I’m studying for my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. I figure since I’ve been officially a Project Manager for the last couple of years, I might as well make it official. I love learning new things and everything I’ve covered so far is making me a more knowledgeable PM. Anything to advance my career!
I’ve also learned a lot about myself over the past six months and grew as a person. How it’s okay to stay in my own lane and focus on myself instead of the lives of others. It’s been quite difficult to close some doors, but it was necessary to help myself move on and not be hurt (as much) anymore. I have to keep reminding myself that I cannot change others. I strengthened some friendships and let one lie. I realized I can be there for those who appreciate me, but some chapters must come to an end – but they can always be reopened if necessary.
Wow, could I have been anymore vague in that last paragraph?! I think a lot of people can relate to the things I’ve gone through this past year or so, but I’m just not quite ready to put it out there for the world to read. Or to deal with the backlash. Someday though, so please be patient. I will share when the time is right, and perhaps we can start a conversation. Either way, I have solid notes for my memoir…
That’s all for now, folks. I promise, I won’t stay away so long this time around. As always, thanks for listening! xoxo <3
by Nicole | Mar 27, 2016 | Life, Past Blog, Personal, Professional
I planned to write this post about a week ago, but I fell ill with the worst flu I’ve had in my adult life. My love even said this is the first time he’s seen me knocked on my ass by the plague – normally, I’m back to myself within a few days. Whatever this was, it sucked a week of my life away. But now I’m back in action, and I have wonderful things to share!
As you may (or may not) know, last year I became involved with a local writing group/collective: The Geeky Press. I joined mainly because of the monthly Downtown #WritersHack, which helped me better manage my time set aside to write. To say it has helped my writing is an understatement; it has done so much more, like helping me connect with other writers in Indianapolis, for which I’ve been desperately searching since graduating college.
In February, the two partners of The Geeky Press (Brad and Amber) approached and extended me an offer of partnership, which I graciously accepted. I am happy to announce that I am officially a partner of The Geeky Press! I will take over the organization and planning of the #WritersHack events, as well as assisting with other literary events the collective hosts. Soon, I’ll be putting together a little event of my own to get more writers in Indianapolis together, so stay tuned!
The other piece of news to share… over the last few years, I started exploring the world of podcasts (if you have a podcast you think I’d enjoy, please tell me about it – I’m always looking for new things!). Recently, I discovered something right up my alley: THE BEVS, co-hosted by Ariana Madix (yes, of the hit Bravo reality TV show Vanderpump Rules) and one of her good friends, Meredith Kate. The Bevs cover many things, like politics, current events, pop culture, friendships, and feminism. I found the podcast through a couple of others I listen to, and also because I’m shameless fan of #PumpRules on Bravo.
After getting hooked to Bevdom, I sent the ladies an email and shortly after became good old fashion (email) pen pals with Meredith, a move inspired by Lena Dunham’s Women of the Hour podcast (see Episode 1: Friendship with Ashley C. Ford to see what we mean). After sharing emails about intimate parts of our lives for a month, we began texting and I offered to help out with some behinds the scenes work of the podcast so Meredith and Ariana can focus on creating episodes with fabulous guests and building the Bev Empire.
I’m thrilled now to share that I am officially the Bev Behind The Bevs – I joined the Bev team at the beginning of March and now assist the ladies with various work behind the scenes of the pod, from website shenanigans to other online initiatives. I’m so excited to be on board! Here is some shameless plugging: Subscribe on iTunes | Listen on Soundcloud | Follow on Social Media: Twitter – Facebook – Instagram – Tumblr – Spotify
Now, hopefully the next exciting piece of news I share with you, faithful readers, has to do with personal writing projects! With that said, I better get back to it. Lots of great things are in store – to say I’m eager for the exciting next chapter of life is me just playing it cool. I’m really looking forward to getting more involved with both of these ventures and bringing lots of good stuff your way. I hope you check out The Geeky Press if you’re local to Indianapolis and see what The Bevs are all about. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about either. Happy Sunday!
by Nicole | Jan 10, 2016 | Life, Lists, Past Blog
Stuck in a rut? Not happy with how things are going in your life? It must be time for a change! Speaking strictly on my own personal experience, I have found happiness by doing a few little things – get rid of the negative influences and alter some things. I’ve changed where I shop for groceries. I bought the lip gloss I had eyed for some time, ignoring the past reservations I had about it being the “right” shade for me. I called an old friend and caught up (yes, I actually picked up the phone and dialed her number instead of writing her a short message on Facebook). I dabbled in yoga and meditation (and still do). I surrounded myself with positive energy. I opened myself up to new experiences (no matter how challenging they might be). I tried to look for the positive in every single situation.
I realize this can be hard – I really do. It’s important to remember the big picture here – you only get one life, and it’s up to you how you want to live it.
It’s quite simple… and it starts by making two lists. (If you know me personally, you know how I love to make lists!)
LIST #1: List All the Stuff You Love. That’s easy enough, right? Just make a list of everything you love about your life. If you find this hard to do because of your situation, make the list be everything you want to love about life. It doesn’t matter how long or short this list is, it’s meant to give you clarity and direction to get you where you need to be. Once you have your list, look for patterns. If you see a yearning for artistic activities being a theme, you might be looking for a way to be more creative.
Now to throw a curve ball – start thinking about what makes you green with envy. It’s helpful, I promise, because jealousy can direct us to our deepest desires. You might be jealous of a friend who seemingly has it all – how did she get to where she is now? Then ask yourself… do I really want _____? How can I make this happen? In the end, it all comes down to this – look for something you love, think about what you want to change, and focus on what you need to do to get there.
LIST #2: Create an Achievable Action Plan. Now that you have the list of what you love and where you want to be… how do you get there? It’s changing the small things that will help you obtain your goal and achieve ultimate happiness.
Let’s go back to the example about artistic activities. Say you love art, but you need inspiration. Hit up some local museums, art galleries, or travel to the next big city and check out their art scene. Or take a road trip by yourself. Not only will you refresh your soul and concentrate on what you want, you will get to see something new and (hopefully) exciting. A change of scenery and surrounding yourself with new people is always a good way to dive head first into making life changes.
Write down what you think are the necessary steps to make your life better. If you’re going to spring for the road trip, map out where you want to go, what you wish to accomplish, and some goals on which you can concentrate. Not only does it get you excited about where your life could turn, it will help you stay organized and on track to making the most of your life.
Now that you’ve made those two lists… it’s time for you to live by my personal motto: just make it happen! Accomplishment is an amazing feeling. I recommend starting small – the less on your lists, the more likely you are to cross items off quickly. Then, continue building your lists. The idea is that these lists will never be complete, so long as you have the drive to build a better life and become a better person. And I know you do!
Don’t Get Discouraged. Start at the beginning of your list. Read through it and ask yourself… what can I eliminate today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? This will help you organize your goals and make them more attainable. These things take time, so work on your patience. Some things can change overnight, but the majority of the life changes you’re seeking will take some serious time to tackle. Once you have a timeline created, you can begin to…
Make the Changes. TODAY. Right now. Stop wasting time! Simply start attacking the list, one line at a time. You’ve already gone through and figured out what can be done immediately, and what will take a lot of time to do. Like I said before, start small. Work your way through the list. Be patient. If you’re putting forth the effort to make the changes, they will come. Whatever you do, don’t give up. You can do this!
I am a firm believer that people are in control of their own happiness. You have to be willing to go to the distance to make the necessary changes for improvement. It’s not up to anyone else, just you. And you can do that – I believe in you. Get excited and make those changes you’ve been thinking about for some time. After all, life is what you make it – awesome, miserable, or just plain old average. It’s in your hands!
by Nicole | Sep 19, 2015 | Journals, Life, Past Blog, Personal, Reflections, Writing
Me? I feel like I’m a shitty journal keeper. Personal journaling, that is (unless you count Twitter). I’m pretty consistent when it comes to jotting down my thoughts about my writing journey. I opened a journal I started last September. I’ve barely filled a third of it with personal notions. In fact, most of the entries end are about writing (which is great). Some of my personal life seasons the pages, but not enough. But who really decides what is actually enough – the journaler or the possible reader?
The term journaling can be used loosely, meaning anything from penning some brief thoughts to writing down daily gratitude and grievances. A lot of well-known authors have kept journals about their writing process while working on a project (or just in general). Teenagers begin with their diaries, working out their angsty or whimsical points of view (hello, this was totally me as a kid). Some continue into adulthood recording every detail about their lives for their own benefit, and others find their passion for writing and use it as a tool to keep them going or better understand their personal writing process.
Writing has always been therapeutic for me. With that said, I don’t really know what holds me back when it comes to writing about my personal life. I have an empty journal on my bookshelf just waiting for me to write in it the story of my life. There, I could write about all the things I don’t want to talk about with others (although I know I should – honestly, it’s just easier for me to bottle it up, place it on a shelf, and move the fuck on). Maybe I will soon, but maybe I won’t just yet. While I like the idea of a great-grandchild finding my diary several years after I’ve left this life, I’m so undisciplined about writing every detail down in my journal at the start or end of each day. It’s all in my mind, but that’s lousy for those I leave behind after journeying toward the great unknown. I also fear there is nothing exciting about my low-key, fairly drama-free life, but I guess that isn’t up to me to decide in the end.
One thing I know I will do is continue to write about my writing process and journey down this long and crooked path. My struggles with writing fiction as a bred nonfiction writer and poet at heart (even if it is shit) have been a big focus as I’m working on my first serious attempt at substantial piece of fiction. I actually enjoy the complicated process of crafting a well-written story. Yeah, I’m a glutton for punishment… I’ve much room to improve, especially when it comes to structuring the story. My biggest issue is wrangling all the random ideas I have about the project on hand and getting them on paper. I just have to suck it up and try my best to make it happen.
I feel I am becoming better at the fiction writing process. I owe that to the story I am writing and the copious amounts of fiction I read. I think about it all the time’ it needs to come out. I’m desperately coaxing it out of the dark corners of my mind. Some days, I have major breakthroughs and I feel as though nothing can stop me. Other days, life happens and I am at a standstill, which can be discouraging.
I keep writing and I keep reading. Even when I don’t want to, I do it. I feel guilty that I don’t write more; however, actually sticking to a writing schedule is helping ease that guilt. Keep pushing. You’ve got this. Work this story out – it could be really great – just something I tell myself almost daily.
This isn’t a resolution to be better about writing about the everyday. It should be, but I figure if I’m writing something every day, I’m on the right track when it comes to polishing my craft, regardless if it focuses on one genre or another…
…Because writers actually write – every day.
They move their pens, they type on their laptops or typewriters, they push the pencil, and they write shit down every single day. Some have a purpose when they journal and others just free write. Some start with freewriting exercises (writing prompts or whatever they can pull from their mind at the time) and it turns into something profound. That’s me, minus the piece turning into something profound! Pages of prompts could eventually turn into great stories – flash-fiction, a memoir, a novella/novel, poetry, or even online serialized literature. That’s my hope, anyway – it’s enough to keep my pen pressed to the paper.
by Nicole | Aug 27, 2015 | Creative Writing, Fiction, Life, Past Blog, Personal, Reflections, Writing
I’m back!
Holy shit, it’s been a while. When I realized I hadn’t posted all summer, I couldn’t believe it. It’s all good though – it’s been a very busy summer for me. Here are some highlights…
- Traveled for business to Savannah, GA (a city I wanted to visit for the past 15 years and finally had the chance);
- Visited Washington, D.C. (and got engaged! More on that later.);
- Saw my favorite band and had a blast with my best friend (Panda), her daughter, and all our girlfriends who came to town to celebrate summer with DMB;
- Traveled around Indiana for business;
- Worked on my book (no seriously, I’ve finally made some progress!!); and
- Enjoyed some amazing R&R and great family time.
And summer isn’t over yet! That thought alone is making me smile. Now for some randomness about my writing adventures this summer… I mentioned I worked on my book this summer. At the beginning of August, I wrote out a writing schedule, to which I promised I would commit. I’m so happy to report that I’m 100% committed and I’ve made some awesome progress. I finally feel like this story is coming together. As someone who primarily writes nonfiction and poetry, with some prose sprinkled in, I honestly had no idea what I was in for when I just suddenly decided to write fiction. I read a lot of fiction, so I figured I could try my hand at it and give it an honest effort.
My biggest hang up in the beginning?? Making shit up. Oh man, I love making up a good story, but I have always been an honest writer. I finally made myself move past that, though. I literally gave myself a pep talk that went something like this:
“Nicole, you can make this shit up. It’s okay. Let your imagination take over. It will be okay. I promise. Just fucking do it and stop making excuses and make something up. What do you want to read? What kind of story do you want to hear? Write it… now, not later. Polish it later. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!”
(Cue that viral Shia LaBeouf video that hit the ‘net earlier this summer).
And it worked. I kicked my ass into gear and I committed to my writing schedule. I’ve solidified my outline and have key plot points ready for chapters. I even have a handful of chapters ready. I have a feeling though, with my planning process complete, this book is going to take a while to complete… but I will make it happen!
I also joined a writing group, thrown together by The Geeky Press. It’s laid back and a great group of people. We just meet up on some pre-scheduled dates (#WritersHack) and hang out for a bit, eat, talk about writing, and write. We hosted our first one-day retreat in July and I think it was a great success. We’re doing another one on November 7 and hosting a weekend retreat in December. My favorite thing about these retreats and hacks is that we actually freaking write. We write whatever we want. The goal is to get words on the page. If you’re interested in joining our shenanigans or want more information on events hosted by The Geeky Press, just check out their website. You don’t have to attend every event nor do you have to pay any dues (the day or weekend retreats have a low cost, though). We just are a group of people who want to write and connect with others who want to do the same.
I have to say, it’s awesome to be back in a community of writers. I’ve missed college mostly for that reason, and now I’ve finally found another place to nurture my talent. I finally stopped procrastinating and became a member of the Indiana Writers Center. I’m looking forward to taking advantage of their member discounts and getting to know the folks there in the coming months.
Speaking of writing communities… this thought brings me to the topic of serialized, web-based literature. Have you heard of websites like Wattpad or Channillo? From what I understand, these sites help you build an audience and network with other readers and writers. You post a chapter at a time. This could be a good thing to do, since I’m getting my feet wet in this category and not quite ready to publish a book just yet, even though I have a solid story plan/outline. I’m considering this route with some of my other fiction (short stories, flash fiction, etc.), but can’t decide if I should with this story or not. If you are familiar with either of these platforms or know of others I should be considering, please let me know in the comments. I want to weigh all my options and could really use some advice!
That’s all for now, folks. I won’t be gone as long as I was before this time… I promise. Peace!
by Nicole | Dec 31, 2014 | Holidays, Life, Past Blog, Personal
Whew, this thing is dusty! Time to get back in the swing of things…
So, here we are. December 31. Tomorrow, 2015 begins. Can you even believe it? For much of the globe it’s already 2015, but Indianapolis has about 8 hours left of this year. Looking back, it was pretty low-key for me. I’m happy, I’m healthy, and I’m ready to begin another great year.
This will be a big year for me; I can just feel it! Not only do I plan to buy a house with my sweetie, I hope to finally get closer to finishing the novel I’ve started (and restarted several times) this year. Speaking of…
Obligatory New Years “Resolutions”
I’d rather call them goals. Goals are dreams with deadlines, right?
- Finish saving the down payment and purchase our first home.
- Keep working on and (attempt to) finish my first novel. (Oh, and obviously blog more.)
- Work harder on my health and fitness – more yoga!
- Be more considerate of others when making decisions.
- Read at least two books per month.
I think this is a good start. Each of these will make me a better person and help me have a better life, so that is why I’m calling them goals instead of resolutions. The whole resolutions thing to me is hard to follow through with because there’s no accountability. Sure, for the first few weeks we’ll be on fire to stay committed to the resolutions we make today. But then the magic of starting a new year fades away and face it, it’s just another day, another week, another month, and another year gone by. We fall back into our old habits. At least, I know I do.
I’m ready to change that this year. I’m ready to start my 31st year on this planet and make the most of it by working on myself. I want to be a better person, and I’m the only one who can make that happen. So, this list of goals is my attempt to keep myself in check. I’ve set deadlines for numbers 1, 2, and 5. For 3 and 4, I’ll start small and keep it at the forefront of my mind and make them a part of my daily routine.
What are your goals for 2015? How do you plan to carry them out? Share in the comments and let’s help each other make this be the best year yet!
Happy New Year, everyone!