by Nicole | Apr 24, 2013 | Poetry, Writer Wednesday, Writing
A Hot Mess
You see, she used to be popular.
We used to envy Barbie, but now
they call her ‘B’ on the streets,
and she chases that dirty dragon
through grunge of the City of Angels.
Her hair, once wispy platinum
and soft is now dry and broken,
smelling of stale cigarettes… her skin
once had a certain sun-kissed glow,
but now it’s cracked
and peppered with blemishes,
bruises, tracks, and scars.
Her scaly hands clutch
the pack of Marlboros
as if it was all she had left.
We heard her custom convertible
ended up in a mangled pink mess
after a 48-hour binge… she destroyed
that exquisite dream house
in Malibu, and her designer threads
now rest on the bodies
of drug lords and their whores.
I guess she sold them
to pay her debts, to set
her veins on fire, to cloud
her mind – all in an attempt
to escape the pain
of the plastic life she
so carefully crafted.
by Nicole | Apr 1, 2013 | Poetry, Writer Wednesday, Writing
For this week’s Writer Wednesday, I want to share with you an ekphrastic poem I composed a few months ago that I have recently refined.
First, let’s define ekphrastic poetry.
Definition of ekphrasis: a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art.
ekphrasis [Gk ‘description’]: a literary work of art that seeks to describe or recreate in language a visual work of art (painting, photograph, architecture, sculpture, blown glass, etc.)
The visual arts serve as great inspiration for poets. For the following poem, I derived my inspiration from the famous Norman Rockwell piece, The Love Song, which is on display at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
The Love Song, by Norman Rockwell.
Oil on Canvas, 1926.
The Love Song (after Norman Rockwell)
Mr. Jameson and his friend
were about to rehearse –
my favorite part
of the morning.
Tick… tick…
The metronome counts.
Nineteen minutes
past nine –
right on time.
I had eleven
minutes to fantasize,
and I intended
to use each one
before the coo of the clock
brought me back to my broom
and the sink full of dishes.
Even though the house
was never clean
enough for the missus,
and I was behind schedule,
I welcomed the break.
The charming notes
fashioned by the flute
and clarinet
carried me across
the room, sashaying my body
to the window, where I could
I rest my head against
the cool, plaster-covered
stone wall.
The men and their music, they
drenched me in a melody
strangely familiar, but I don’t mind.
I adore their eager, genuine effort
to compose their notes like
they worked parallel to the Gershwins.
Every Thursday morning,
at nineteen minutes past nine,
the jazz takes me
back to that moment…
I clutched my broom
tight to my heart,
and slipped
into my usual reverie.
We were sitting on the edge
of the granite fountain
in the middle
of the park, when he first
asked me to dance.
He held me tight
against his chest,
cheek to cheek, and
invited me to trace
his steps, so delicately,
as we swayed…
he whispered
the love song he wrote for me
into my ear. For that brief moment,
I was his…
until the decrescendo
of the flute and
the clarinet’s swelling rest
allowed the little wooden bird’s
final coo to rush
me back to my broom.
by Nicole | Jan 16, 2013 | Poetry, Writer Wednesday, Writing
Tankas have become a form I enjoy, and the following poem is a tanka (or a series) of awkward moments. We’ve all had them, so why not make them poetic?
Well, That Was Awkward…
“Great first date,” he said.
Her eyes shone bright in the moon’s
light. She leaned up and
pouted her cherry red lips…
but he grabbed her hand instead.
Study hall… silent –
you could hear a pin drop.
That’s when my belly
rumbles, louder than a
diesel truck engine starting.
Walking back to the
bar, heads turn – I must look great!
Glance behind, notice
people staring… the breeze breaks
the bad news – my skirt: tucked in.
He raised his hand in
class – ready, proud to answer
the question… he wins
a prize from teacher. “Thanks, Mom.”
Face flushed with embarrassment.
Ran into colleague.
Never close. “Nice to see you.”
“You too!” We part ways,
say goodbye and leave… only
to walk the same direction.
by Nicole | Oct 31, 2012 | Personal, Poetry, Writing
This week for Writer Wednesday, I’m taking the easy way out: sharing three of my favorite poems instead of posting one penned by yours truly.
Listed in no particular order, these three have always given me inspiration. Jim Morrison is my favorite American poet (his eccentric and completely warped mind has always intrigued me); I also love the works of Shel Silverstein (reminds me of my childhood obsession with his famous poetry books I would check out of the school library for weeks on end) and Maya Angelou (so inspirational).
Without further ado… enjoy!
POWER (Jim Morrison)
I can make the earth stop in
its tracks. I made the
blue cars go away.
I can make myself invisible or small.
I can become gigantic & reach the
farthest things. I can change
the course of nature.
I can place myself anywhere in
space or time.
I can summon the dead.
I can perceive events on other worlds,
in my deepest inner mind,
& in the minds of others.
I can
I am
Where the Sidewalk Ends (Shel Silverstein)
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.
Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.
Yes we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we’ll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.
by Nicole | Oct 14, 2012 | Holidays, Journals
Autumn has finally arrived!
This is my favorite time of year, by far. The air is crisp, the leaves are beginning to change colors and fall, pumpkin patches are going to be thriving in no time. It’s time to celebrate! It’s time for bonfires with friends, curling up with your favorite book by the fire, and saying farewell to the warmer months.
While I’m sad to see summer go, I’m happy to welcome fall with open arms. It’s time for the Earth to begin her slumber for the winter months… and the process is absolutely breathtaking. I love to take drives through the all-American neighborhoods in my area and witness first-hand the change of the seasons. From the leaves falling gracefully to the ground below to the fresh chill in the air, the autumn months are easily my favorite time of year.
Here are some of the reasons why I’m a big fan of autumn:
– Mother Nature is at her finest.
The leaves changing colors at my dad’s place, “Little Pine.”
One of my favorite things about fall is taking a trip to my dad’s and taking photos of his property. He has a gorgeous place, and while summer there is beautiful, fall is absolutely breathtaking. The photo above is from a few years ago, early in the morning.
– It’s time for fall fashion!
Scarves. A girl can never have enough to get her through the days of fall!
I am so not fashionable, but I love a good ‘scarf and warm boots’ combo! I cannot get enough of earth tones – maybe that’s the hippie-boho chick inside me, but there’s something extra special about fall fashion. Scarves are my favorite fall accessory, but when the weather gets a little colder, I love to break out the mittens and hats and enjoy the crisp weather. I also enjoy curling up beside the fire with my sweetie or a good book.
– Having my favorite fall drink.
Hot cider or chai to warm your bones on those chilly nights.
Whatever your beverage of choice may be, you have to appreciate something warm, sweet, and spicy. I’m a Starbucks addict, and if you are too… you should try a Spiced Apple Cider with a splash of chai tea. It’s perfect for a nice fall evening!
– Visiting the pumpkin patch.
Strolling through the local pumpkin patch.
Going to the pumpkin patch is a ritual all children should experience. Hell, I’m almost 30, and fall is not quite the same unless I take a walk through one. The air, the colors, the pumpkins… this is an essential trip to take during the fall months.
What does fall mean to you, and what are your favorite things about the season? Please share in the comments below!
(Featured Image photo found on
Other photo credits:, Google image searches for Fall)
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